Using mProphet at ISB

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mQuest and mProphet are a software suite for the analysis of SRM data. See [1] for literature reference, manual, and installation instructions.

As of March 2013, the most functional versions of the software are those modified by Terry Farrah. They include some bug fixes implemented at ISB. These instructions show you how to use these versions.


Set up transition list

To run mQuest, you need a tab-separated transition file with the following columns, only three of which are required. Call this file transition_list.tsv:

  • Q1 (required)
  • Q3 (required)
  • transition_group_id (required) -- a unique id for the transitions of one precursor
  • stripped_sequence
  • prec_z
  • frg_type (y, b, etc.)
  • frg_nr (3, 7, etc.) (The Excel formula MID() is useful for parsing y12 into y and 12)
  • frg_z
  • Isotype (heavy or light)
  • protein_name
  • CE

(See p. 6 of the manual for other columns you can provide.)

Put transition file into the same directory as your data (mzML or mzXML format). Don't use symlinks.

Log onto regis and go to that directory. Then ...

Set up environment variables

If you use the bash shell:


(If you use C-shell or similar, precede each of these commands with the word set.)

Set your machine type (TSQ, QTRAP, or QQQ):


If your data is label-free:


If your data is spiked with heavy-labelled peptides:


Now, copy the appropriate params file to your directory:

cp  /proteomics/sw/mquest.x.x.x/conf/$MPRO_DEF   .

Run mMap

$MPRO_DIR_OLD/ -mMap -input  ./  -trans transition_list.tsv -def $MPRO_DEF -mmap_machine $MACHINE -v -force -strict

Run mQuest

$MPRO_DIR_OLD/ -mQuest -input  ./  -def $MPRO_DEF -v -force

-force processes all files, even those that have already been processed.

Run mProphet

To run mProphet, you need to have measured decoy peptides. See mProphet documentation for further information on this topic. Add -mprophet to the mInteract command line to run mProphet. There are bugs and results are produced only for some datasets. During 2011 Terry Farrah was in communication with the authors of the software to get the bugs fixed, but the authors never addressed all our concerns, and it appears that the version of the software that is downloadable from the web still has these bugs.

Type /proteomics/sw/mquest.2.0.3/mQuest/bin/ -help or -manual for more info.

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