TPP:Related Tools

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The TPP has many relationships with other software programs and projects. Some of these, like the TPP itself, are freely-available open-source projects, while others are commercial. Some of these tools provide compatiable data formats that can be used as input to the TPP, while others repackage or redistribute the TPP itself.

Compatible Sequence Search Engines

All of the programs attempt to assign an amino acid peptide identification to a MS2 spectra. The TPP includes tools to convert the proprietary search engine output file into the TPP's native, open format called pepXML. We always welcome opportunities to add support for additional search engines. For information about working with these search engines please see TPP:Supported Search Engines

Compatible search engines, added in order of support:

  • Sequest
  • Comet
  • ProbID
  • Mascot
  • [X!Tandem
  • Phenyx

Other tools

InSilicos produces the Insilicos Proteomics Pipeline, or IPP; this is a native-windows build of the TPP code which is claimed to be faster than the TPP's Windows distribution. InSilicos provides consultant-based support for the IPP InSilicos has contributed important code to the TPP's code base and plays a role in TPP support.

LabKey Software produces the CPAS LIMS system, which incorporates some components of the TPP. The LabKey team has also contributed important code to the TPP's code base and plays a role in TPP support.

Genologics produces a commerical LIMS systems called Proteus which is compatible with the TPP.

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