CorraCorra is a single, user-friendly, informatic framework, that is simple to use and fully customizable, for the enabling of LC-MS-based quantitative proteomic workflows of any size, able to guide the user seamlessly from MS data generation, through data processing, visualization, and statistical analysis steps, to the identification of differentially abundant or expressed candidate features for prioritized targeted identification by subsequent MS/MS.![]() A goal of Corra was to enable the integration of multiple and disparate LC-MS data analysis tools, and integrate them, seamlessly, with common statistical packages to allow for better comparison between differently-processed datasets, via the addition of statistical measures of confidence and error rates. The integration of tools was achieve via Corra and its biological application is published in the BMC
Bioinformatics 2008 9:542 and be accessible by Corra and APML download site: You can download source codes and documentation by You can download file contains 6 mzXML files (1.3 GBtye) acquired from ThermoFinnigan LTQ Orbitrap data from yeast wild type and gene knockout dataset, which is described in the above paper. Corra tutorial guides: Corra v3.0 tutorial guide can be downloaded by CorraUserGuide-Tutorial.pdf Corra-ATAQS developer code base and discussion group SRM based hypothesis-driven computational tool Messages: /** |