TPP Amazon Machine Images

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Starting with TPP 4.4.1 the TPP group is now making available pre-built Amazon Machine Images (AMI) with the latest TPP software installed to make it even easier to perform proteomics data analysis. These images are configured to be used with either the TPP Web Application (TWA), the TPP AWS high performance computing tools, for your own in house applications, or as a base for your own EC2 images. The images are based on the latest Ubuntu EC2 public images and include features such as persistent store in S3 or EBS backed filesystems and wine based conversions of MS/MS files.



This is an unix/linux instance-store backed 64-bit image based on the ubuntu 10.10 "mavrick" public image (ami-08f40561). It also contains the following open source software:

  • OMSSA Version 2.1.9
  • InsPecT Version 20101012
  • Myrimatch Version 2.0.85
  • Proteowizard's msconvert (Windows version)


User's Guide

There are many good guides already written on how to use Amazon Machine Images (AMI) in the EC2 product. Here's just a few:

Official Guide
Getting Started With Amazon EC2

Developer's Guide


The easiest way to build a image is to build it from an already existing image ("rebundling"). So TPP images are built from the official public images provided and supported by the Ubuntu community. The process is fairly straight forward:

  1. Find the AMI-ID of the latest Ubuntu community image for the zone you want to use. The simplest way is to use the convenient search tool found at For TPP images filter the AMI list by amd64 architecture (64 bit) and instance-store block store then choose the release you want to use and note the AMI-ID.
  2. Start up a new EC2 instance with the AMI-ID from the previous step. You can do this either using the AWS console web application at or the command line tool ec2-start-instances if you happen to have installed the ec2-ami-tools. Make sure when you start the image that you use a security group that has port 22 and port 80 open and that you specify a key pair so that you can actually log into the instance. Once the instance is running the public domain name can be found using either the console or the command ec2-describe-instances.
  3. Copy your certificate and private key to the /tmp directory of your instance. (scp is your friend here)
  4. Using either ssh or Putty and your key log into your EC2 instance. You'll then need to setup a few environment variables that are used by various scripts and AWS tools:
    export AWS_USER_ID=<your-value>
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your-value>
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your-value>
    export EC2_CERT=/tmp/<your-value>
    export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=/tmp/<your-value>
    export TPP_VERSION=4.4.1
  5. Download and run the provided scripts to install, configure, and publish the new TPP image.
    svn export --force /tmp /tmp
    sudo bash /tmp/
    sudo bash /tmp/
    sudo bash /tmp/

Naming Conventions

Manifest Naming

The current suggested schema for naming manifests is to use the default prefix/names assigned by the ec2 tools and place them in a "folder" with a name following the schema "TPP-<version>-<data>" where version is the version of TPP and date is a date indicator in the format YYYYMMDD. An optional serial number [.1,.2,...] can be included for the YYYYMMDD date if necessary. These "folders" should be placed in the correct S3 bucket by region (see next section).

For an example, the name spctools-images-us/TPP-4.4.1-20110403/manifest.xml references image with TPP 4.4.1 installed build on 4/3/2011.

S3 Buckets

The following buckets have been (or will be) created in each region for storing SPCTools TPP images. Each bucket should have a suffix indicating which region the bucket is in:

  • spctools-images-us
  • spctools-iamges-us-west-1
  • spctools-images-eu

The following additional buckets have been created, primarily to reserve them:

  • spctools

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