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  1. bjam build instructions

1. Obtain and install boost libraries for your platform. (Most linux systems should have boost already installed somewhere.)

2. Set boost_build directory environment variable and add and bjam to your path

3. Go into the peptideSieve directory and edit the Jamfile to


  1.  : <include>/stf/home/atrium/darren/local/include

and say where boost includes live

or create a few environment variables:

BOOST_BUILD_PATH=/stf/home/atrium/darren/local/share/boost-build CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/stf/home/atrium/darren/local/include LIBRARY_PATH=/stf/home/atrium/darren/local/lib

4) Type 'bjam' and it just works.

    1. Old build instructions

1. Obtain and install boost libraries for your platform. (Most linux systems should have boost already installed somewhere.)

2. Edit the peptideSieveDistribution/src/make/ file to indicate library location.

3. Change directories to peptideSieveDistribution/src/peptideSieve and run make

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