Msconvert Wine
From SPCTools
Proteowizard's msconvert utility is a must have tool for converting MS/MS data in almost any proprietary MS/MS data run into almost any of the commonly used open formats. While this tool is available on both Windows and Linux, the ability to convert many common formats under Linux is unavailable due to the need to have vendor specific libraries (dlls). Fortunately it *is* possible to run the Windows version of msconvert under Linux using Wine, a open source compatibility layer.
Instructions for Ubuntu
Tested with 64 bit image ssh -X
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install wine
- sudo apt-get install cabextract
- wget
- chmod 755 winetricks
- ./winetricks winxp
- ./winetricks vcrun2008
- ./winetricks dotnet20
Download and install Proteowizard
Go to using a web browser. Click on the artifacts link for the Windows x86 (or x86_64) build. When the TeamCity login page is displayed log in as guest using the link provided. Download the file with the tar.bz2 extension. Extract the package and move it to wherever you want to install it:
mkdir pwiz # cause pwiz is rude and pollutes cd pwiz tar xvf ../pwiz*.tar.bz2
Instructions for CentOS
AMI: ami-01996f68
- rpm -Uvh
- yum -y update
- yum -y install xauth cabextract fontconfig gcc44 rpm-build
- rpm -Uvh
- wget
- rpm -Uvh flex*
- wget
- rpm -Uvh
- ./configure --enable-win64 CC=/usr/bin/gcc44
log out log back in
DAMMIT Microsoft packages the Visual C++ libraries and .New libraries with a 32bit installer which WILL NOT run under wine64.
CC=/usr/bin/gcc44 rpmbuild --define "_without_gstreamer 0" --nodeps
32bit on 64.... wget rpm --nomd5 -ivh yum install freetype.i386 configure: OpenCL 32-bit development files not found, OpenCL won't be supported.
configure: libhal/libdbus 32-bit development files not found, no dynamic device support. configure: libgnutls 32-bit development files not found, no schannel support. configure: libv4l 32-bit development files not found. configure: libgphoto2 32-bit development files not found, digital cameras won't be supported. configure: gstreamer-0.10 base plugins 32-bit development files not found, gstre amer support disabled configure: libcapi20 32-bit development files not found, ISDN won't be supported . configure: libmpg123 32-bit development files not found (or too old), mp3 codec won't be supported. configure: libopenal 32-bit development files not found (or too old), OpenAL won 't be supported.
configure: WARNING: libxml2 32-bit development files not found, XML won't be sup ported.
configure: WARNING: libxslt 32-bit development files not found, xslt won't be su pported.
configure: WARNING: GetText 32-bit development files not found. Internationaliza tion won't be fully supported.
configure: Finished. Do 'make' to compile Wine.