From SPCTools
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ProbID is a software tool designed to identify peptides from tandem mass spectra using a protein sequence database. It computes z scores for the identifications and output the results in pepXML format, which subsequently can be analyzed by the TPP (trans-proteomic pipeline).
Getting the software
You can download from the Sashimi File Release page on SourceForge. The package includes
- ProbIDALL.jar This is the main package of software to identify peptides from MS/MS spectra using protein sequence database (FASTA format). This jar file includes both the source code and binary class files.
- probid.param This is the parameter file for doing peptide searches.
- example.dta This is the file format of MS/MS spectra that ProbID takes.
- This is the script that takes a your_file.mzXML and returns a your_file.xml which can be analyzed by TPP (Trans-Proteomic Pipeline).
- This is a script that batch processes all your .dta files in a directory.
- README basic information.
ProbID is a java program. First, unzip ProbID.tgz:
tar -xzf ProbID.tgz
- set up "CLASSPATH" environment variable for ProbIDALL.jar
- you need either jre1.4 (or above) or j2sdk1.4 (or above) installed on your machine.
- ProbID was written in java and can be run on almost any OS.
Running ProbID
ProbID may be run in single-spectrum or batch processing modes. Both options require you to have probid.param in the same directory where your data is located.
single MS/MS spectrum processing
java org.systemsbiology.dbsearch.ProbID your_file.dta
OR if you didn't set up the "CLASSPATH" variable
Java -cp where_ProbIDALL.jar_is org.systemsbiology.dbsearch.ProbID your_file.dta
batch processing of many .dta files on one computer
perl your_file.mzXML.
You do need "mzxml2other" installed on your machine to start from your_file.mzXML. If you already have all .dta files in current directory, use
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