TPP AMZTPP:PetuniaTutorial

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About Tutorial

This tutorial is written for anyone interested in extending available computational resources via Amazon Web Services in the Trans-Proteomics Pipeline. It will walk the user through the steps of using TPP's Petunia web interface to setup proper Amazon credentials and submit multiple searches on AWS. Readers should already familiar with the TPP's web interface and usage.

System Requirements and TPP Versions

In order to execute this tutorial you must have already installed TPP (version 4.6.3 or greater) on a Windows system. You may also need to install amztpp, the command line tool for managing Amazon Web Services resources used by TPP. Guides for installing both are available at:

Readers should also be aware that executing this tutorial will incur some AWS charges. The exact amount of these charges will vary based on usage but should be on the order of less that $1-$4 USD.


Getting Your Amazon Credentials

In order for the TPP to have access to Amazon Web Services you must provide your AWS credentials confirm that you are who you say you are and that you do have permissions to do what you are trying to do. These credentials are known as Amazon's access and secret key. These keys are used to make secure REST or Query protocol requests to any AWS service API.

You can create new keys using the Amazon Security Credentials page. Your access keys are displayed under the Access Keys section in the Credentials Section of the page. Secret keys are now no longer displayed. If you've previously created a access/secret key pair and have forgotten what the secret key is you will need to generate a new key pair. For more information about setting up your AWS credentials please see Where's my secret access key?

Registering Your Amazon Credentials in TPP

Log into Petunia web interface of TPP by double-clicking on the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline flower icon on your Desktop or through the Start menu. Alternatively, you can open a browser window into the following URL: http://localhost/tpp-bin/ . You can use the credentials guest and guest as user name and password to log in if this is a new TPP installation.

Once logged in click on Account > Cloud in the menu bar at the top of the page. This should take you to the clusters details form. Open the "Register Amazon EC2 Account" section if it isn't already open. In it are two form fields, one for your access key and one for your secret key. Cut & paste both values into the fields provided and click on the "Verify and Use Keys" button. If all goes well the page should be refreshed and you should see an additional status section added to the page containing details on your current Amazon Web Services.

Download and install the tutorial data

For this tutorial we will be using the same dataset used in the main TPP Tutorial, a SILAC-labeled Yeast dataset, comprised of 2 runs on a high mass-accuracy Orbitrap instrument, along with a Yeast database appended with decoys. We also include a search parameters file. If you already have run the main tutorial tutorial then you can skip the following download steps and just copy the mzML files into the new folder.

  • First download the pre-converted mzML files (768Mb) and unzip.
  • Next download the parameters and database files (2.1Mb) and unzip.
  • Copy or move the yeast_orfs_all_REV.20060126.short.fasta file into the folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ISB\data\dbase
  • Create the folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ISB\data\demo\aws, if it doesn't already exist.
  • Copy or move the two data files (OR20080317_S_SILAC-LH_1-1_01.mzML and OR20080317_S_SILAC-LH_1-1_11.mzML) -- as well as the tandem parameters file tandem.xml into the folder C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ISB\data\demo\aws.

Please note that this tutorial assumes that you are running a default TPP installation on a Windows system; if you are using a different system, please adjust the parameters files and file locations accordingly.

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